BA (Hons), Film Studies, Университет Англия Раскин, Anglia Ruskin University
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Университет Англия Раскин, BA (Hons), Film Studies



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Our unique Film Studies course will give you a solid grounding in film history and theory, whilst encouraging you to put your critical knowledge to work on your own creative projects. You’ll be introduced to a wide spectrum of approaches to the moving image, and develop your own particular interests with specialist subjects like film practice, film reviewing, film theory, and screenwriting. On our theory-based modules you’ll explore film-making practices and critical approaches from all over the world, spanning the history of cinema from the avant-garde through to Hollywood blockbusters. But you’ll also get the chance to make explorative, creative, and independent short films in video, animation, or 16 mm formats, preparing you for work within the film industry. In the final year your major project will be screened in the graduation show at the Cambridge Arts Picturehouse, a professional public cinema. There’ll also be plenty of extra-curricular events to help with your learning and your future career. Terrence Davies, Peter Gidal, Malcolm Le Grice, Henry K. Miller, Jane Parker, Lucy Reynolds, João Moreira Salles, Steven Shaviro, Margaret Salmon and Catherine Wheatley have all featured as our guest speakers, and we regularly host events like festivals, conferences and productions, which you can get involved with behind the scenes as well.

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