BSc (Hons), Трудотерапия, Борнмутский университет - Occupational Therapy, Bournemouth University
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Bournemouth University, BSc (Hons), Трудотерапия



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Форма обучен.Дневное Началоn/a Продолж.Кол-во лет: 3
Students study anatomy, physiology, sociology and psychology which forms the ground work on which the study of the occupational therapy process is based; the course design is primarily problem based learning, which involves groups of students working on real life scenarios in order to gain knowledge and understanding of occupational roles and how health and wellbeing can effect their functioning; students spend 1/2 the course studying theory and research, and 1/2 on practice placements; placements are designed to enable students competence to develop in terms of hands-on occupational therapy skills; in year 1 students experience an introductory fieldwork experience followed by fieldwork of increasing length that ensures they gain the minimum of 1000 hours of supervised practice.

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  • Университет находится в центре самого крупного непромышленного района Европы – между New Forest и Jurassic Coast.
  • Два кампуса, в городах Пул и Борнмут, обслуживаются первоклассным автобусным сервисом.
  • До Лондона можно доехать за два часа на поезде. Оба кампуса соединены с Югом и Западом страны отличной системой автодорог.