BA (Hons), Ancient History and Education, Университет Кардиффа, Cardiff University
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Университет Кардиффа, BA (Hons), Ancient History and Education



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This joint Honours degree programme enables the student to combine the study of the two subjects; this degree is equal in status to a single Honours degree, although the time spent on each subject is effectively halved; ancient history is a discipline concerned with the understanding of ancient societies and the construction of historical arguments; the course is designed to promote critical understanding of the political, social, economic and cultural structures and achievements of Greek and Roman societies, which were, in many ways, significantly different from modern industrialised societies, but which have exercised a profound and continuous influence on the subsequent development of European and many other societies and cultures; the education course explores human development, educational psychology, education as a social process and government policy; it puts an emphasis on three perspectives: firstly, the psychological and social development of children from their birth through into their adolescence and later adult life; secondly, a study of national and international policy developments in education as they affect educational institutions, economic performance and social justice; thirdly, practical issues related to teaching, learning and the organisation and management of schools, colleges and education in the wider community.

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Кардифф расположен на побережье Южного Уэльса, известного красивыми национальными парками и пляжами, расположенными всего в 30 минутах от вуза. Кардифф находится приблизительно в 230 км к западу от Лондона, и до него легко добраться поездом примерно за 2 часа. Кардифф имеет превосходную транспортную инфраструктуру (1-е место в Великобритании как самый доступный для транспорта город) с международным аэропортом, из которого организованы рейсы во многие города Европы.