BSc, Applied Physics, Технический университет Эйндховена, Eindhoven University of Technology
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Технический университет Эйндховена, BSc, Applied Physics


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное сен Кол-во лет: 3 €10000 Academic year 2017
Applied Physics is like a voyage of discovery. You won’t be sailing the seven seas, but you will be investigating how the world works. As applied physicist, you’re looking for regularities and patterns in nature. These ‘universal truths’ help you predict other situations and translate natural phenomena into technological applications. Did you know that turbulent flow in our blood is very similar to turbulent flow in the ocean? Taking a peek in the control room of nature In the Applied Physics major, you will get a backstage view of nature. You will meet the unexpected characteristics of light and sound, flow and heat, atoms and particles, and delve into questions such as: how do you measure brain signals? How do you apply laser technology? What can you do with magnetism? Subsequently, you learn to apply the knowledge that you have acquired. Applied Physics in Eindhoven This major distinguishes itself through excellent mentoring and a well-balanced course program with a research internship in the third year. Our teachers are fully involved in the engineering world as business people and scientists. As student, you will benefit from our ties with industry and research departments, our informal atmosphere and our short lines of communications. After graduation, you will be awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Physics.

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The Eindhoven University of Technology is situated in Netherlands. TU/e main campus is at some eight minutes walking distance from Eindhoven railway station. This makes it easy to come by public transport. Eindhoven airport is five kilometres outside the city and there is a shuttle bus between the airport and railway station. Most university buildings are connected by walkways.