BSc, Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences, Технический университет Эйндховена, Eindhoven University of Technology
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Технический университет Эйндховена, BSc, Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное сен Кол-во лет: 3 €10000 Academic year 2017
Look around you, at the house or neighborhood in which you live or the school you attend. Your surroundings are largely determined by architecture, urbanism and civil engineering. Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences (AUBS) is about understanding these surroundings and its ongoing changes. It’s about the creation and adaptation of buildings, neighborhoods and cities to new wishes and demands from society. Different perspectives play a role. Therefore, AUBS is a broad and challenging study program. Bachelor’s program Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences During the Bachelor’s program, you develop a broad base to become an Engineer in the field of AUBS. You will get courses such as architecture, structural design, building physics, building technology, urbanism, real estate and management. During the design assignments, you will learn to understand the connection between the different disciplines. Furthermore, you will discover what areas suits you best and in which discipline you like to specialize from the second year on. In the third year, you will learn to combine all disciplines by working in multidisciplinary project groups. The bachelor’s program Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences is a broad study program: a mix between theory and practice, between thinking and doing. The broad approach allows you to get to know all disciplines of the Built Environment. With this knowledge, you can then specialize in your favorite discipline.

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The Eindhoven University of Technology is situated in Netherlands. TU/e main campus is at some eight minutes walking distance from Eindhoven railway station. This makes it easy to come by public transport. Eindhoven airport is five kilometres outside the city and there is a shuttle bus between the airport and railway station. Most university buildings are connected by walkways.