MSc, Care and Cure, Технический университет Эйндховена, Eindhoven University of Technology
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Технический университет Эйндховена, MSc, Care and Cure


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное сен Кол-во лет: 2 €15000 Academic year 2017
The importance of the health field as a consumer of technological applications and, in particular, electrical engineering applications is ever growing. Just take a moment to consider complex and specialist equipment in hospitals, such as MRI scanners. Then contrast this with small gadgets and tools that enable people to continue living in their own home environments for longer, such as a wireless alarm system. Between these two extremes lie countless applications such as pacemakers, monitors of all sorts of biological signals, diagnostic equipment and resources used in the curative process. The development of these applications is the subject of the Care and Cure Master’s degree program. This is a highly dynamic field in which knowledge in the fields of electrical engineering, mathematics and computer science, physics and biology is integrated.

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The Eindhoven University of Technology is situated in Netherlands. TU/e main campus is at some eight minutes walking distance from Eindhoven railway station. This makes it easy to come by public transport. Eindhoven airport is five kilometres outside the city and there is a shuttle bus between the airport and railway station. Most university buildings are connected by walkways.