MSc, Human-Technology Interaction, Технический университет Эйндховена, Eindhoven University of Technology
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Технический университет Эйндховена, MSc, Human-Technology Interaction


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное сен Кол-во лет: 2 €15000 Academic year 2017
Technological development offers new possibilities to make people's daily lives more healthy, safe, understandable, independent, fun and comfortable. New technologies provide us, for instance, with energy-friendly and sustainable solutions to improve the environment in which we live as well as tools for elderly people to live longer on their own. Furthermore, new technologies provide us with new means of communication and new ways of entertainment. Examples are smart phones, ambient intelligence and smart homes, online shopping and communities, 3D television and renewable energy technologies like hydrogen technology and biomass. For these technologies to be really successful, people will need to be able to use them properly as well as trust, accept and adopt them. As a Human-Technology Interaction engineer you are typically concerned with topics that require a profound understanding of both the human and technological aspects. You will learn about usability, ergonomics, perception, cognition, decision making, social psychology, consumer behavior and environmental psychology. Simultaneously, as a Human-Technology Interaction engineer, you will need a thorough understanding of technology. Therefore, a substantial part of the Master’s Program will consist of engineering courses in the area of your interest.

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The Eindhoven University of Technology is situated in Netherlands. TU/e main campus is at some eight minutes walking distance from Eindhoven railway station. This makes it easy to come by public transport. Eindhoven airport is five kilometres outside the city and there is a shuttle bus between the airport and railway station. Most university buildings are connected by walkways.