MA, Illustration: Authorial Practice, Университет Фалмута, Falmouth University
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Falmouth University, MA, Illustration: Authorial Practice



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Authorial practice is a studio-based course focused on the development of the authorial voice within illustration; this course is broadly addressed to illustrators who have begun to explore the possibilities of authorship, and now wish to expand, extend or focus their interest through reflective study and critical exchange; the course team is committed to the further development of established links nationally and internationally as well as to establishing new relationships with external bodies interested in extending the boundaries of illustration through authorship and entrepreneurship; this course places emphasis on the integration of all elements of study, recognising that the authorial illustrator needs to be aware of theory and be able to work well with words in order to deliver visual work of quality and interest; the core of the course is a sequence of 3 negotiated projects; these are based on illustration work but are informed by the lectures and seminars running concurrently, with a research journal providing connection and the opportunity to reflect on practice; the projects themselves are proposed and initiated by the individual students, and developed in negotiation with staff and discussion with fellow students; whilst these are separate projects, they are expected to demonstrate progression, indicating the research, analysis, reflection and experiment necessary for a successful and distinctive piece of authorial illustration; Master's project work is exhibited in a final show, which includes the means and nature of its publication or appearance in the public domain.

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Университету принадлежат два кампуса – один в историческом городе Фалмуте и второй - в расположенном неподалеку городе Пернин. Кампусы находятся в одном из самых безопасных и красивых районов Корнуэльского побережья на юго-западе Великобритании.

Кампус Фалмут находится в десяти минутах ходьбы от железнодорожной городской станции, в пяти минутах езды от Пернина и в 20 минутах езды от Труро. В часы пик до Пернина ходит по восемь автобусов в час.

Из центра Фалмута до кампуса регулярно ходят автобусы, дорога из Фалмута на поезде занимает пять минут, а из Труро – 15 минут до станции Пернин.