Университет Фудань, BEcon, Economics
Форма обучен. |
Начало |
Продолж. |
Стоимость иностран. |
Период оплаты |
Академ. год |
Дневное |
сен |
Кол-во лет: 4 |
54600 |
Academic year |
2019 |
Undergraduate International Program in Economics (UIPE) aims to nurture future leaders
who will make an impact on the world. They will be empowered with state-of-the-art
knowledge about the world, charismatic leadership and global competitiveness in a diverse
and multi-cultural environment in four years.
UIPE provides students with a curriculum based on liberal-art education and a gradually
increasing depth in understanding Economics. All students in this program are encouraged to
study abroad for at least one semester during the 4-year study. For students planning to go to
industry or international organizations after graduation, internships abroad during summer or
winter vacations in senior academic year are encouraged; for the students planning further
studies, rigorous education in Math and economic theory at advanced level will be offered.
UIPE requires the completion of no less than 136 credits, including no less than 30 credits of
General Education Curriculum, 68 credits of Major Curriculum in economics and 38 credits
of elective courses. The General Education curriculum is designed with a wide breadth of
language, communication, politics, history, social science, literature, philosophy, science, arts,
ecology and technology and etc. The Economics Major Curriculum is composed of economic
courses with an increasing depth as the study carries on and taught in English. Students must
pay close attention to the prerequisites for each course.
Другие программы вуза
Foundation Year Foundation Programme PPLE (Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics)
PhD International Relations
MSc Computer Science in Cyber Security
BSc Economics