Голдсмитс, Лондонский университет, PhD, Антропология
Форма обучен. |
Начало |
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Вечернее |
сентябрь |
Кол-во лет: 4 - 6 |
Дневное |
сентябрь |
Кол-во лет: 3 - 4 |
The Department of Anthropology offers supervision in a wide range of areas; in addition to the particular research interests of each member of staff we have a number of postgraduate students undertaking research of contemporary social and political relevance in Britain and Europe; research areas may include: postsocialism; Caribbean societies; the human/animal interface; concepts of illness and the body; Himalayan anthropology; Italy; Argentina; myth, time and ritual; Africa and the African diaspora; music and film as cultural politics; the anthropology of economic institutions and or organisations; women and Third World development; Brazilian Amazon; India: local politics and the state; Art, history and colonialism in the Pacific; legal anthropology; cross-cultural approaches to photography.
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