MS, Lean Engineering, Университет Арнема и Неймегена, HAN University
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HAN, MS, Lean Engineering


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Дневное сен Кол-во лет: 1 Academic year

Industrial companies are always looking for well-trained professionals in the field of Lean Engineering. Technological developments are important for improving products as well as manufacturing processes. These developments have, direct or indirect, impact on various functions within a company, or even functions in the whole supply chain. This creates the need for broadly skilled engineers, having a system view, and being able to contribute to integrated process and product development.  The Lean Engineering master is an ‘integrator’ and has a process view when developing improvements.

The Lean Engineer may work in a variety of functions, technical as well as managerial. Examples are product engineer, production engineer, project manager, lean facilitator, R&D manager, operations manager and innovation manager.

In this Masters course, you will focus on becoming an authority on Lean Engineering. You will learn to model and validate systems with multiple inputs and outputs using both white box modelling and system identification. You focus on control applications used in industry. You will deepen the knowledge from your technical bachelor. The course provides you with tools to improve manufacturing design and product development. By doing so, you will be able to link technological developments with the needs of business processes.

Why apply to this course

  • Gives the industry an innovative impulse with its Centre of Expertise
  • Kick starts your career with great job opportunities
  • Puts you in close vicinity of international companies

Job opportunities

Lean Engineering offers you a wide world of promising career prospects. There are countless job opportunities in the technical branches of industry. But you will also be qualified to work outside the technical sector: your expertise will be welcome in higher education, research institutes and development groups in companies and organizations.

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В состав Университета Арнема и Неймегена входят два кампуса, расположенные в городах Арнем и Неймеген.

Неймеген является одним из старейших городов Нидерландов и недавно отпраздновал свой 2 000 юбилей. Город раскинулся на берегах реки Ваал на востоке Нидерландов, неподалеку от границы с Германией.

Арнем находится всего в 15 км от Неймегена и является столицей провинции Гелдерланд. Город граничит с национальным парком Де-Хоге-Велюве, знаменитым своими живописными лесами и зарослями вереска. Администрация Арнема уделяет особое внимание вопросом экологии, что делает город особенно комфортным для проживания, работы и отдыха.