MA, Aviation, International University of Applied Sciences (Former IUBH)
2 000 +

успешных поступлений

в 500 +

университетов и бизнес-школ мира

в 30 +

странах работают после учебы наши выпускники

IU, MA, Aviation



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное янв, сен Кол-во лет: 2 €7490 Academic year 2017

Bringing customers and goods quickly and safely to their destinations – these are the main tasks in aviation management. In senior management, however, the market position and the efficiency of the company are also in your hands. With the Master in Aviation Management you turn your passion for aviation and logistics processes into your profession. This course of studies provides you with the necessary know-how in the field of aviation management, enabling you to subsequently assume management responsibility in an industry-specific company with international operations.

During your studies you complete the specialisation in aviation with the following courses

  • Strategic Project Planning
  • Aviation Simulation Game
  • Controlling Airlines and Airports
  • Aviation Policy
  • Aviation Seminar

Career prospects

The Master degree course specialised in Aviation Management makes you a sought-after expert in the field of aviation. As a future manager you assume responsibility in the field of aviation and logistics.

Airlines, airports, logistics and transport enterprises, above all those with international business activities today already prefer to employ graduates from IUBH.


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Школа бизнеса и управления IUBH находится в историческом парке Сент Анно Парк в центре городка Бад-Хоннефе. Кампус состоит из отреставрированных старинных построек и современных зданий, что дарит ему неповторимый стиль.

Ближайший международный аэропорт расположен в Кёльне/Бонне. От него до кампуса вуза можно комфортно добраться на поезде или такси.