BA (Hons), Архитектура интерьеров, Колледж Кирклис (центр в городе Дьюсбери) - Interior Architecture, Kirklees College (Dewsbury Centre)
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Колледж Кирклис (центр в городе Дьюсбери), BA (Hons), Архитектура интерьеров


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Дневное n/a Кол-во лет: 1
Вечернее n/a Кол-во лет: 2
Course provides students with the skills appropriate for work in the interior architecture industry; diversity is encouraged enabling students to explore a wide field of interests related to interior architecture; strong emphasis is placed on individual development, creative exploration, expression and personal interpretation; areas covered include: personal and professional development, major project research and realisation, advanced critical study, advanced digital applications, specialist investigation in interior architecture, professional promotion in interior architecture; programme culminates in a negotiated major project; application deadline: March 2010.

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