Лондонская школа гигиены и тропической медицины, Лондонский университет, Diploma, Community Eye Health
Weeks 1 to 5: Focus on the control of blinding eye diseases, and will provide a detailed overview of the main blinding eye diseases and how best to treat or prevent them; this covers childhood eye diseases, ocular infections and non-communicable adult eye diseases. Weeks 6 to 10: Spent researching and writing up a strategy document; the aim is to provide students with the opportunity to relate the contents of the course to their own working situation or field of interest, by developing a chosen idea or area of interest into a practical plan; the strategy document outlines the plans which are instituted on their return to their home country. Weeks 11 to 15: How to plan a VISION 2020 project: this section consists of a teaching unit on how to plan and implement a VISION 2020 project and 1 on resources and technology for VISION 2020.
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