Лондонская школа гигиены и тропической медицины, Лондонский университет, MSc, Epidemiology
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Кол-во лет: 3 - 5 |
This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to make valuable contributions to both epidemiological research and public health; epidemiological methods are used increasingly in medical research, public health practice and health care evaluation to investigate the causes of disease, and to evaluate interventions to prevent or control disease; epidemiology is a key discipline for understanding and improving global health; this course covers both communicable and non-communicable disease epidemiology; by the end of this course, students should be able to: Demonstrate advanced knowledge and awareness of the role of epidemiology and its contribution to other health-related disciplines; choose appropriate designs and develop detailed protocols for epidemiological studies; enter and manage computerised epidemiological data and carry out appropriate statistical analyses; assess the results of epidemiological studies (their own or other investigators'), including critical appraisal of the study question, study design, methods and conduct, statistical analyses and interpretation.
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