Лондонская школа гигиены и тропической медицины, Лондонский университет, PgDip, Epidemiology
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Кол-во лет: 1 - 3 |
This course aims to provide epidemiological training by distance learning for professionals in academic departments, research units, or in the health services; epidemiology is a key discipline for understanding and improving global health; the core component deals with the methodology and basic concepts including measures of disease occurrence and association; study design; the role of bias and confounding in epidemiological studies; data-handling skills, statistical analysis of data-sets and application of these by computer; research planning and implementation, and essential skills for writing research applications and scientific papers; students proceeding to Master's studies choose from a number of advanced modules which explore more specific applications of epidemiological theory and practice, enabling them to tailor the course to suit their own experience, interests and training requirements; the course spans communicable and non-communicable diseases in developed and developing countries, and is computer-based, with students using interactive methods within the teaching and learning materials; there is e-mail tutorial support, and group discussions through web-based and e-mail conferencing facilities; the use of statistical software is an essential skill for the practising epidemiologist and comprehensive training is provided.
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