MSc, Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University
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McGill University, MSc, Mathematics and Statistics



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное сентябрь и январь Кол-во мес: 18 10059 Academic year n/a
The department has many outstanding researchers in Mathematics and Statistics with international reputations. We also pride ourselves on the excellence of our teaching and research training. As a graduate student you will have an extensive curriculum to choose from, with both fundamental and advanced courses in every branch of mathematics: algebra, analysis, differential equations, geometry, logic, statistics and scientific computing. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers programs with concentrations in applied mathematics, pure mathematics and statistics leading to the Master's degree (both M.A. and M.Sc.). Students must choose between the thesis option, which requires a thesis (24 credits) and 6 approved courses of 3 or more credits each for a total of at least 21 credits, and the project option, which requires a project (16 credits) and 8 approved courses of 3 or more credits each for a total of at least 29 credits.

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