MA, Социальная политика, Университет Миддлэссекса - Social Policy, Middlesex University
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Университет Миддлэссекса, MA, Социальная политика



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Дневное сентябрь Кол-во лет: 1
Вечернее сентябрь Кол-во лет: 2
This course reflects the diversity of debate on welfare in the 21st century in a context of burgeoning processes of globalisation; the focus is on care, but not just in a British context and also not without recourse to examining the impact of and responses to globalisation and an increasingly open international economy; students analyse the formation and implementation of policies; and use historical and comparative knowledge to evaluate contemporary discussions; the course is designed for graduates and those working in the public and voluntary sectors who want to explore contemporary advanced social policy and advance their careers; it is informed by current research practice and knowledge; students who are working in the social policy sector can take a work based learning module in lieu of an option and develop a project for assessment with the collaboration of their employer; students are exposed to contemporary British and european social policy in a context of emergent processes of globalisation; the course offers an opportunity to focus on special interests; students gain an advanced understanding of social care policy and practice and state interventions with respect to welfare in a context of globalisation.

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