MSc, Криминалистическая психология, Университет Миддлэссекса - Forensic Psychology, Middlesex University
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Университет Миддлэссекса, MSc, Криминалистическая психология



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Дневное сентябрь Кол-во лет: 1
Вечернее сентябрь Кол-во лет: 2
Scholarly work is organised around psychological and criminological concepts relevant to contemporary social issues and organisations; with a strong grounding in ethics, professional practice and research, training aids subsequent professional practice; as a British Psychological Society accredited programme, successful completion of this Master's allows the student exemption from stage 1 of the BPS diploma in forensic psychology; the course includes: gaining knowledge and understanding of key areas of forensic psychology: aetiology of offending behaviour; judicial decision making; offender treatment programmes; victimisation; investigative psychology and state perpetrated crimes); visits and workshops; gaining knowledge and critical understanding of a variety of research techniques and statistical methods; gaining experience developing research; analytical and reporting skills (working as a team and individually).

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