Ньюкаслский университет, MEng (Hons), Химическое машиностроение
Форма обучен. |
Начало |
Продолж. |
Дневное |
n/a |
Кол-во лет: 5 |
Дневное |
n/a |
Кол-во лет: 6 |
In the foundation year (stage 0) students take just over 1/2 their modules in mathematics, mechanical sciences and applied mechanics; remainder of the modules are assigned from a range of engineering subjects and include a project and laboratory work related to the engineering programme students wish to study; for some overseas students, English language tuition may count for up to 1/3 of their modules, replacing some of the practical and project work.
Другие программы вуза
Foundation Year International Foundation Year
BSc Finance and Management
MSc Global Finance
LLM LLM in Legal Practice