PhD, Культурология, Университет Роэхэмптон - Cultural Studies, University of Roehampton
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Университет Роэхэмптон, PhD, Культурология



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Форма обучен.Дневное Начало сентябрь Продолж.: 0
The Cultural Studies programme has a dynamic team involved in research into cultural theory and politics; media studies; new technologies; and gender and sexuality; each research student is allocated a Director of Studies and a supervisor; they are also encouraged to make contact with other members of the Cultural Studies team; research students can use Roehampton study, support and social facilities, which include a Learning Resource Centre; they can also obtain an M25 library card, which entitles them to use other academic libraries in the London area; research students in the School of Humanities and Cultural Studies have an exclusive use of a dedicated research room with networked computers and other IT facilities.

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Роэхэмптон – это район, расположенный на юго-западе Лондона. Великолепный и утопающий в зелени академгородок университета Роэхэмптон находится в 20 минутах езды на внутригородской электричке до центральной части Лондона.