Bachelor, Applied Science: Informatics Emphasis: Software Development Track, Аризонский университет, University of Arizona
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Аризонский университет, Bachelor, Applied Science: Informatics Emphasis: Software Development Track


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное авг Кол-во лет: 4 $37891 Academic year 2018
The term Informatics is broadly used to describe the study and practice of creating, storing, finding, manipulating and sharing information. It uses computation as a universal tool to solve problems in other fields, to communicate, and to express ideas. Informatics is not equivalent to general Computer Science (CS) but concentrates instead on the upper layers of the CS discipline and moves away from a focus on computers alone to a focus on computing in context. Informatics students develop a strong base of theoretical and practical interdisciplinary experiences. Students working towards a BAS degree in Informatics will learn the core ideas of Informatics in a discipline-independent form, then in the context of specific focus areas including system administration, software development, information management, and educational technology.

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