Аризонский университет, Bachelor, Applied Science: Organizational Leadership Emphasis
Форма обучен. |
Начало |
Продолж. |
Стоимость иностран. |
Период оплаты |
Академ. год |
Дневное |
авг |
Кол-во лет: 4 |
$37891 |
Academic year |
2018 |
The Bachelors of Applied Science Degree in in Organizational Leadership prepares students to take leadership roles in a variety of organizations, including corporate, non-profit, military, and government organizations. The degree focuses on the process of leadership, which involves the leader, followers, and the organizational context. Coursework provides insight into crucial leadership topics such as organizational behavior, decision-making, and team-building. Courses are theory based but focus on the application of the knowledge being gained. All students must complete a group project within the community as part of a required capstone course that is based on the development of project management skills. The degree prepares students to enter directly into the workforce. With the working adult in mind, classes for this program are very flexible, with the major available fully online or through a combination of online, hybrid, ITV, and/or face-to-face instruction.
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