Master, Chemistry - Chemical Innovation and Regulation [ENG], University of Bologna
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University of Bologna, Master, Chemistry - Chemical Innovation and Regulation [ENG]



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Дневное сентябрь Кол-во лет: 2
In addition to the general objectives of the 2nd cycle degree programme in class LM-54, the 2nd cycle degree programme in Chemistry specifically aims to train professional figures able to work in management roles in laboratories, research bodies and centres, control and evaluation bodies, public and private companies, in the following fields: (i) innovation in the synthesis of old and new products; (ii) use of the most advanced technologies for the structural determination of new molecules; (iii) identification and use of the most appropriate technologies for industrial quality control and process analysis, as well as in clinical, toxicological, forensic and environmental sectors and other.

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В состав Болонского университета входит несколько кампусов, что позволяет развивать преподавание и научные исследования в различных частях региона, благодаря чему улучшается качество работы и жизни всех членов университетского сообщества.

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