Master, Economics and Business Administration [ENG], University of Bologna
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University of Bologna, Master, Economics and Business Administration [ENG]



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Дневное сентябрь Кол-во лет: 2
The 2nd cycle degree programme in Economics and Business Administration provides students with advanced knowledge of business activities both within and across traditional functional boundaries. It provides inter-functional knowledge of the economic and managerial logics, methods and instruments available to entrepreneurs, managers and consultants in different business contexts (with a primary though not exclusive focus on middle-sized companies). The programme offers students an international perspective aimed at fostering the internationalization of the companies they will work for.

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В состав Болонского университета входит несколько кампусов, что позволяет развивать преподавание и научные исследования в различных частях региона, благодаря чему улучшается качество работы и жизни всех членов университетского сообщества.

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