Master, Economics and Economic Policy [ENG], University of Bologna
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University of Bologna, Master, Economics and Economic Policy [ENG]



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Дневное сентябрь Кол-во лет: 2
The 2ndcycle degree programme in Economics and Economic Policy aims to train highlyqualified professional economists who are able to cover positions ofresponsibility in a range of national and international appointments. Thegraduates' skills will allow them to work profitably in planning andorganisation, design and implementation of development plans, and assess thestrategic aspects of decision-making processes and their economic and financialimplications. The knowledge of economic phenomena and market laws, the abilityto relate macro- and micro-economic phenomena to each other and to applyeconomic analysis tools to interpret economic categories are the core skillsdeveloped by these graduates.

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