BSc, Computing Science, Университет Гронинген, University of Groningen
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Университет Гронинген, BSc, Computing Science


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное сен Кол-во лет: 3 €10800 Academic year 2017
We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers, but they cannot work without us either! After all, someone has to tell them what to do. That requires people who enjoy devising ever-smarter solutions and innovations. Computing scientists design, improve and implement the software and computer systems that businesses and our social life cannot do without. Use your skills as you learn Computing Science is the discipline that involves the study and development of computer systems. This can involve either new or existing systems. The stimulating aspect of this degree programme is that you can put the knowledge and skills you acquire to practical use straightaway, for example by writing a useful computer programme. More than just programming If you choose to study Computing Science at Groningen, you will learn high level programming in several languages. But programming accounts for only a quarter of the degree. You will also be producing documentation, carrying out analyses, working with others, giving presentations and writing. Computing science is a good subject to study if you have wide-ranging interests; it can be easily combined with another subject area.

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Жители Гронингена признаны одними из самых счастливых в Европе, при этом город имеет репутацию оживленного культурного центра. Здесь постоянно проводится множество культурных мероприятий, однако, несмотря на большее количество посетителей, Гронинген остается уютным и дружелюбным.

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