BSc, Econometrics and Operational Research, Университет Гронинген, University of Groningen
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Университет Гронинген, BSc, Econometrics and Operational Research


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное сен Кол-во лет: 3 €8200 Academic year 2017
Econometrics and Operations Research in Groningen teaches you all about econometric modelling. The strength of the programme lies in its combination of four fields: Econometrics, Operations Research, Actuarial Studies and Mathematical Economics. Important features of the programme are small-group teaching, personal contact with lecturers and the combination of theory and empirical applications. Econometrics is about the statistical methods needed to estimate econometric models. Operations Research focuses on optimal decision-making and finding approximate solutions to very complex problems. Actuarial Studies is about modelling the risks faced by insurance companies and pension funds. Mathematical Economics studies how markets work and how prices are set. The combination of these four fields provides an extensive modelling toolkit for solving a wide range of economic problems. Many course units in our programme provide the opportunity to practise econometric modelling on the basis of real-life data, thus providing optional preparation for your future career as an econometrician.

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