MSc, Finance, Университет Гронинген, University of Groningen
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Университет Гронинген, MSc, Finance


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное фев, сен Кол-во лет: 1 €14200 Academic year 2017
By choosing this Master, you acquire knowledge, understanding and skills required to analyse and evaluate real and complex financial problems of companies and institutions and to design solutions for these problems. This programme focuses on a critical analysis and assessment of key issues in corporate finance and portfolio management, combining an academic perspective with a practical orientation. The programme allows you to specialise in a broad range of areas such as corporate valuation, derivatives, institutional investing, banking and insurance, corporate governance, responsible financing, and development finance. You are also trained to develop the academic skills to analyse important questions in each of these areas. By analysing (applied) research questions in the field of finance you learn to analyse and solve complex financial problems encountered by companies, investors, governments and international organisations. In addition you will develop professional skills such as giving public presentations, working in teams and building computer models for business decisions.

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