MSc, Marketing, Университет Гронинген, University of Groningen
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Университет Гронинген, MSc, Marketing


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное фев, сен Кол-во лет: 1 €14200 Academic year 2017
During this programme you will develop a basic understanding of how marketing works and the skills you need to implement it effectively. Important aspects of marketing include understanding customers and underlying psychological processes, building a strong brand and reputation and finding ways to improve customer satisfaction and sales. This programme therefore combines lectures, hands-on tutorials and assignments with established psychological theories regarding marketing and consumers as well as the latest academic insights, best business practices, and real life cases. The MSc in Marketing comprises two specialisations: Marketing Management (MM) and Marketing Intelligence (MI). Afterwards, you can choose course units within one of the two specialisations (MM or MI) or combine several course units from both themes. It is also possible to take a double degree programme in Groningen and Oslo or M ünster. You can not apply for these double degree programmes as such, but you first need to follow the MSc Marketing (with the speciasiation MI). After the first semester you can apply for the add-on year in Oslo or M ünster. Selection will take place based on grades and motivation.

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