MSc, Technology and Operations Management, Университет Гронинген, University of Groningen
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Университет Гронинген, MSc, Technology and Operations Management


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное фев, сен Кол-во лет: 1 €14200 Academic year 2017
The programme focuses on operations management aspects during the entire life cycle of products and services and on the introduction of technological innovations in organisations. Graduates can approach technology-related questions from a managerial perspective, a unique skill, highly valued by employers. Within the product life cycle, design is the first step. Then comes production and customer's supply and the final step includes warranty and product replacement. The programme teaches you how to organise all phases. You will learn to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction and cost efficiency. The courses focus on core operations management aspects, such as asset management, facility design and planning, production planning and control, and inventory management. You will learn to define, diagnose and analyse problems that relate to the manufacturing or service processes in organisations and develop and evaluate solutions. You will also assess the impact of product, process, and technological innovations on the organisation. You can also take the programme as a double degree master with Newcastle University (17 months).

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