PhD, Астрофизика, Хертфордширский университет - Astrophysics, University of Hertfordshire
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Hertfordshire, University of, PhD, Астрофизика


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж.
Вечернее n/a Кол-во лет: 6
Дневное n/a Кол-во лет: 3
Research areas include: The extragalactic distance scale; gamma-rays bursts: their natures and use as cosmological probes; the formation and evolution of massive galaxies; physical conditions in extragalactic radio sources; intergalactic and outer halo stars; the role of bars in galaxy evolution; the fuelling of starbursts and active galaxies; the inner structure of active galactic nuclei; star formation and the interstellar medium; evolutionary synthesis modelling of galaxies; high-mass start formation: identifying the initial conditions; young stellar objects and star formation; the evolution of post-main sequence stars; Brown dwarfs: filling the gap between star and planets; extra-solar planets: discovery and properties; Brown Dwarfs and extrasolar planets; galactic enrichment by the 1st stars; properties of dust grains in different environments; instrumentation: polarimeters; laboratory studies of light scattering from particles.

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