BS, Civil Engineering, University of Toledo
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University of Toledo, BS, Civil Engineering


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Форма обучен.Дневное Начало авг Продолж.Кол-во лет: 0 Стоимость иностран.$19505 Период оплатыAcademic year Академ. год2018 - 2019
The University of Toledo’s accredited civil engineering bachelor’s degree program has been ranked in the top 20 in the country. What our students do best is apply knowledge learned in the classroom to problems in the real world. UToledo’s College of Engineering is one of only eight engineering colleges in the country to require co-ops for all engineering students. Our graduates are in high demand worldwide thanks to this practical design experience. Civil engineers make people’s lives healthier, safer and more sustainable. They design, construct and maintain infrastructure, such as shelter, transportation and clean air and water facilities. Graduates with civil engineering degrees are in high demand as the country’s existing facilities age.

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