Университет Виргинии, MA, Linguistics
Форма обучен. |
Начало |
Продолж. |
Стоимость иностран. |
Период оплаты |
Академ. год |
Дневное |
авг |
Кол-во лет: 2 |
$26182 |
Academic year |
2017 |
The Program in Linguistics is administered by the Interdepartmental Committee on Linguistics, which makes all decisions on admission. The purpose of the program is to provide training in general linguistics. Students are encouraged to focus their studies in a particular area such as anthropological linguistics, TESOL, or an individual language or language family.
Graduates of UVa's Linguistics M.A. program place in top Ph.D. programs. Those pursuing Ph.D.s in Linguistics have moved on to programs at Northwestern, Penn State, University of Michigan, University at Buffalo, University of llinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of California Santa Cruz, Yale, and elsewhere. Others have moved on to Ph.D. programs in other fields, such as Communication Disorders, Education, and Anthropology.
Graduates of the program have also found employment in such diverse areas as translation; national security; law enforcement; software development; English teaching abroad; language teaching in US middle schools, high schools, community colleges, and government programs; community language revitalization; and other fields.
Другие программы вуза
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