Университет Виргинии, MA, Politics
Форма обучен. |
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Стоимость иностран. |
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Академ. год |
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авг |
Кол-во лет: 2 |
$26182 |
Academic year |
2017 |
Our faculty is intellectually diverse yet we share a commitment to exploring vital political questions in depth. We probe contemporary developments with careful attention to the ideas, institutions and history that animate politics in the United States and the world. The UVA Politics Department is therefore, when compared to those at other universities, exceptionally dedicated to probing the deep historical roots of contemporary developments in political life; unusually committed to examining political problems in a comparative and global context (indeed, we think that American Politics is much more interesting when its principal features are compared to other countries and observed in the arena of international affairs); and deeply concerned with the philosophical principles that inform political life, as well as the ethical motivations of political actors that Max Weber considered so central to the vocation of politics.
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