MS, Entrepreneurship, Вашингтонский университет, University of Washington
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университетов и бизнес-школ мира

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Вашингтонский университет, MS, Entrepreneurship


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное сен Кол-во лет: 1 $34926 Academic year 2017
You'll be taking classes and workshops with a peer group that is as focused and determined as you, AND have time built into the schedule to work on your own startup idea. Along the way, you'll work with the Foster School's best entrepreneurship faculty and startup lecturers and connect with the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship's resources and competitions. You'll also be mentored by a core group of Seattle entrepreneurs and have access to venture capitalists, angel investors, and attorneys.

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The U District neighborhood just north of downtown Seattle, where the University of Washington is situated, is an eclectic mix of urban shopping areas; historic homes and architecture; and great cafes, pubs, restaurants, and theaters, having a youthful and relaxed feel with lots of dining and shopping deals to take advantage of.

Much of the charm of the U District can be found in simply strolling the neighborhood. The University of Washington’s gorgeous grounds include historic buildings, gardens, sprawling green spaces and, in spring, blossoming cherry trees. “The Ave,” is a popular gathering place, with lots of indie eateries and funky shops. Attractions include the stellar collections at the Henry Art Gallery and Burke Museum.

Those looking for outdoor pursuits will feel right at home among the students who can often be found kayaking on Lake Union or Portage Bay, biking the Burke-Gilman trail or catching a football game at Husky Stadium, known for its unique tailgating parties (some tailgaters arrive by yacht rather than by car).

The university has three campuses: the primary and largest in the University District of Seattle and two others in Tacoma and Bothell. UW occupies over 500 buildings, with over 20 million gross square footage of space, including the University of Washington Plaza, the 99 m UW Tower, over 26 university libraries, as well as numerous conference centers. The University of Washington library system is the 18th largest library in the United States.