Университет Халла - University of Hull
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Университет Халла

Справка о вузе

  • Первый камень в основание Университета был заложен королем Георгом VI (который тогда был герцогом Йоркским) в 1928 году. University of Hull - 14-й старейший университет Англии.
  • Королевская грамота, утвердившая университетский статус ВУЗа, была получена в 1954 году; университет Hull – четырнадцатый старейший университет Англии.
  • В 1970-ых годах в химических лабораториях Университета была разработана важнейшая технология жидких кристаллов.
  • В университете Халла учатся более чем 2,500 иностранных студентов из более чем 100 стран.
  • Год основания
  • Расположение
    Йоркшир и Хамберсайд
  • Число студентов
  • Удовлетворенность студентов

Академическая специализация

Университет Халла специализируется в:

Business, Economics, Finance and Management

  • A leading Business School dedicated to the development of responsible leadership in a complex world. To achieve this, the Business School encourages a unique approach called ‘Connected Thinking’ - a perspective which builds an understanding of the complexities in the global business environment.
  • The Business School holds multiple industry accreditations as well as independent international accreditations such as AACSB, held by less than 5% of the world’s 13,000 business programmes.
  • Many undergraduate courses provide graduates with professional accreditation or membership of professional bodies and/or exemptions from professional examinations,including CIMA and ACCA.

Engineering and Sciences

  • The content and quality of Hull’s engineering degrees are assessed by professional institutions, primarily the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Engineering and Technology, who have awarded accredited status to Hull’s BEng or MEng degrees against the professional qualification Chartered Engineer (CEng).
  • The school’s strengths include design, manufacture, communications, medical engineering, chemical engineering, energy harvesting and the use of materials in all areas of engineering and technology. This enables them to offer a wide choice of innovative and high-quality courses, with flexibility to switch between topics if you change your mind.
  • All students undertake a final year project. You can choose from an extensive list of projects, most of which are offered in association with the University’s industrial collaborators or directly linked to staff research interests. Alternatively, you can propose your own project or have one provided by your industrial sponsor.


  • The Law School work closely with the Careers Service and local firms to ensure students have access to an array of opportunities to boost their employability, and access information about working in the legal profession.
  • Specialist Law Clinics led by local practitioners in Family Law & Employment Law
  • Local judges, barristers & solicitors assist regularly at competitions.
  • Access to paid month-long internships with local councils.
  • LawCV blog with regular careers & employability posts.
  • Full programme of careers & employability events.


  • The School of Politics, Security and International Relations offers a route through which students can obtain vital work experience.
  • One semester internship for all Single Honours undergraduates. It is a unique opportunity to get invaluable practical experience alongside a top quality academic education in politics.
  • Placement opportunities, including working in the House of Commons or the EU Parliament.
  • Access to paid month-long internships with local councils.
  • Full programme of careers & employability events.

Рекомедуемые программы

Как ВЕРНО выбрать ВУЗ за рубежом?
ПОЛУЧИТЬ пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной- Уэхара
7 стр.
University of Hull
Admissions Office
Cottingham Road
United Kingdom
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+44 (0)1482 466100
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  • Кампусы Университета располагаются в городах Халл и Скарборо.
  • Города Халл и Скарборо связаны с крупными городами страны отличной системой железных дорог и автомагистралей; с железнодорожной станции города Халл ежедневно отходит восемь прямых поездов в Лондон.