Открытый университет - Open University
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Открытый университет

Справка о вузе

  • The University was given its Royal Charter in 1969.
  • Since then, it has become the UK's largest university, and the only UK university dedicated to distance learning.
  • More than two million people have studied with the OU since its opening. Today more than 30% of all part-time undergraduate students in the UK study with the OU.
  • Год основания
  • Расположение
    Центральной Англии
  • Число студентов
  • Удовлетворенность студентов

Академическая специализация

  • The Open University has always been a world leader in the use of new technologies to improve the quality of education for students and to broaden their access to it. Students on two-thirds of all courses undertake e-learning activities to achieve defined learning outcomes. All courses include optional online activities.
  • The University's "open" mission allows for those people whose previous qualifications would be unlikely to allow them access to university education elsewhere to enter higher education.
Как ВЕРНО выбрать ВУЗ за рубежом?
ПОЛУЧИТЬ пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной
7 стр.
Open University
Student Registration and Enquiry Service
PO Box 197
United Kingdom
Посмотреть расположение
+44 (0)870 333 4340
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Популярные вузы

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Показать все


  • OU students study in their own homes and workplaces, taking courses whose materials and methods are specifically designed for this type of distance learning.
  • All have tutors, and most also have the opportunity to meet tutors and other students at local tutorials.
  • The University's methods allow for study anywhere in the UK and in many other parts of the world.