Открытый университет - Open University

успешных поступлений


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консультаций студентов с вузами мира

Открытый университет

Студенческая жизнь

Student facilities, including Library and Computing

  • All material that students require to complete their course is included in their course fees. They do have access to both electronic library resources and a library building on campus. The nature of the University's methods means that student facilities that would be expected at other campuses are not required at the OU.
  • University staff are available to provide guidance in all areas of student support.

Проживание студентов

The OU's distance learning methods, which allow students to combine university study with their existing lives, preclude the need for campus accommodation for students.
Как ВЕРНО выбрать ВУЗ за рубежом?
ПОЛУЧИТЬ пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной- Уэхара
7 стр.
Open University
Student Registration and Enquiry Service
PO Box 197
United Kingdom
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+44 (0)870 333 4340
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  • OU students study in their own homes and workplaces, taking courses whose materials and methods are specifically designed for this type of distance learning.
  • All have tutors, and most also have the opportunity to meet tutors and other students at local tutorials.
  • The University's methods allow for study anywhere in the UK and in many other parts of the world.