LLM, International Business Law (distance learning), Университет Сити, City University London
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Университет Сити, LLM, International Business Law (distance learning)



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Стоимость UK/ EU Период оплаты Академ. год
Форма обучен.Онлайн Начало янв, май, сен Продолж.Кол-во мес: 15 - 60 Стоимость иностран.£9180 Стоимость UK/ EU£9180 Период оплатыWhole course Академ. год2020 - 2021

This online course is suitable for those looking to develop a career in international business or law. This course has been designed for recent graduates seeking to improve career prospects in international business and law or professionals working in international business, finance or international business law seeking to develop their expertise.

As the emphasis of the programme is on the practical and problem-solving aspects of the law, it will also help those who may not possess a legal background.

Students who complete the LLM may wish to continue their advanced legal studies by enrolling on the PhD or MPhil programmes offered by The City Law School.

As this LLM is a distance learning programme, you do not need to enter the UK. As a result, you will not require a visa for this course if you are an overseas student.


As the programme is delivered online, The International Business Law LLM is designed with one aim in mind: flexibility.

This course will enable you to:

  • Have the freedom to study in your own working environment and at your own pace on a flexible, part-time LLM.
  • Access technology-enhanced learning environments that support your experience.
  • Benefit from City's extensive range of legal databases, including e-journals and e-books.
  • Develop specialist knowledge and broaden your existing knowledge of the legal rules which impact international business.
  • Acquire legal and research skills to help enhance your career prospects as an international business professional or legal practitioner.
  • Gain transferable skills that are essential to understanding and succeeding in international business.

Teaching and learning

The programme provides you with interactive learning opportunities, combining a range of learning technologies. Whilst it is a self-directed study course, there is also an emphasis on interactive engagement, using learning activities such as discussion forums and chat rooms to help you extend your learning and work collaboratively with your colleagues.

Your learning will be facilitated by:

  • Virtual learning environment (VLE) as an e-learning platform.
  • High-quality module learning packs, written by our experts and available online.
  • Online academic support and personal tutoring (e.g. via email or webchats).
  • Interactive multimedia content.
  • Virtual classroom environment (e.g. via discussion boards or Adobe Connect).
  • 24-hour IT support.
  • Online access to our extensive library resource database.
  • Each module is facilitated by an e-tutor who will offer academic and technical support as required.

To enrol on the programme, you are required to have easy access to a computer or laptop that has a minimum technical specification and good internet access. We will provide you with an email account and secure access to your virtual learning environment. You are expected to regularly submit work online and engage in online activities.


On a weekly basis, you will receive feedback via the discussion board per each discussion thread. The Learning Packs will contain self-assessment questions, and tutors will provide formative feedback on your responses to these questions.

Participation on taught modules is a pre-requisite for sitting the final assessment and is therefore assessed as a pass/fail summative assessment.

The activity requiring participation may vary from module to module, however, a standard will be maintained across all modules. For instance, if a module requires participation, such as posting messages/responses on a module discussion board and there are eight weekly opportunities to do so, you will be required to submit four posts (50%) for assessment. Each post must be sufficient in length (i.e. approximately 500 words).

You are expected to participate in all online activities.

Summative assessment of the taught modules that comprise the degree will be by coursework only (3,500 words). It is considered that you will obtain the greatest academic benefit and satisfaction from researching a topic, reflecting on it and providing considered arguments in relation to it, as well as affording the opportunity to explore particular topics in greater depth. All coursework must be submitted via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Email submissions will not be accepted.

You will be offered a range of assessment titles in each subject. Additional titles may be added to reflect any developments in the subject occurring during the teaching of the module, enabling you to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues and to respond to the most up-to-date information available.

Career prospects

By the end of the programme, you will have a specialist knowledge in key areas of law from an international business perspective. You will have also acquired transferable skills essential to developing your career in International Business Law.

After you have completed the LLM, you may wish to continue your advanced legal studies on the PhD or MPhil courses offered by The City Law School.

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