LLM, International Business Law (distance learning), Университет Сити, City University London
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Университет Сити, LLM, International Business Law (distance learning)


The distance learning LLM in International Business Law programme consists of:

  • Taught modules of 150 credits (five modules at 30 credits each)
  • A compulsory Dissertation module of 30 credits.

In the first academic term, all students are required to take the core module, Foundations of Law in International Business (30 credits).

Upon successful completion of the core module, you will select any further four taught modules from the range of available subjects. You are free to take one or two modules each academic term.

All modules run over a period of 10 weeks (10 units).

Each module requires approximately 300 hours of study and you will normally spend between 25 and 30 hours a week on each module, comprised mainly of self-directed and online hours.

Typically, once all taught modules have been successfully completed, students proceed to the Dissertation (30 credits).

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Здания Университета разбросаны по всему Лондону, главный кампус находится на площади Нортгемптон. Также Университету принадлежат: Бизнес Школа им. Касса (Cass Business School); Школа Права Университета Сити (City Law School); Клиника Офтальмометрии «Борьба за Зрение» (Fight for Sight Optometry Clinic); Школа Медицинских Сестер и Акушерок Св. Варфоломея (St Bartholomew School of Nursing & Midwifery).