MSc, Broadband Telecommunication Technology, Технический университет Эйндховена, Eindhoven University of Technology
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Технический университет Эйндховена, MSc, Broadband Telecommunication Technology


Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Период оплаты Академ. год
Дневное сен Кол-во лет: 2 €15000 Academic year 2017
Removing telecommunication technology from the modern information society is impossible. It's a dynamic area of expertise where knowledge of electrical engineering, math & IT, physics, chemistry technology and innovation sciences are combined. The Broadband Telecommunication Technologies Master at Eindhoven University of Technology has a broad program with mandatory subjects: Electromagnetism Physics Math Digital Network Techniques Performance analyses Besides these mandatory subjects, you can choose from over thirty electives. For example: Photonic IC’s Network exploitation Computational Electro Magnetics Adaptive Signal Amplification Ultrafast Optical Linking Coding theory The program also contains subjects on professional development and two internships. You will end the Master with a research project. After this Master, the TU/e offers the Broadband Telecommunication Technologies (BTT) Master certificate.

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The Eindhoven University of Technology is situated in Netherlands. TU/e main campus is at some eight minutes walking distance from Eindhoven railway station. This makes it easy to come by public transport. Eindhoven airport is five kilometres outside the city and there is a shuttle bus between the airport and railway station. Most university buildings are connected by walkways.