BS, Industrial Design, Технологический институт Джорджии, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Технологический институт Джорджии, BS, Industrial Design


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Дневное авг Кол-во лет: 4 $30904 Academic year 2017
Industrial design is the professional practice of creating products that enhance the function, usability, value, and appearance of products with the goal of benefiting the user, manufacturer, community, and the environment. Also known as product design, industrial design education prepares students to design systems and tangible artifacts including, consumer and recreational products, business and industrial products, medical and computer equipment, and transportation and environments. Both generalist and specialist, industrial designers tend to be part artist, part entrepreneur and engineer.

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Georgia Tech's prime location in Atlanta, Georgia, combines the entertainment, educational, and economic opportunities of an international city with the flavor and personality of close-knit, eclectic neighborhoods.

Our Midtown neighborhood is a thriving place to create, learn, live, work, and play. The city's network of diverse neighborhoods offers a taste of home for everyone — from apartments, lofts, and high-rises to small bungalows or impressive mansions. As the state's economic and cultural hub, Atlanta is packed with attractions, small businesses, high-tech startups, and multinational corporations, along with restaurants, theaters, museums, and concert venues.

Within an easy walk to campus are green spaces and parks, including Centennial Olympic Park, Piedmont Park, and the Atlanta BeltLine — a network of public parks, multi-use trails, and multiple public transit options.

Georgia Tech’s Atlanta campus spans 400 wooded acres in the heart of Atlanta. Tech's campus is a comfortable, yet stimulating living and learning environment, with virtually every amenity close at hand.

The campus is organized into four main parts: West Campus, East Campus, Central Campus, and Technology Square. West Campus and East Campus are both occupied primarily by student living complexes, while Central Campus is reserved primarily for teaching and research buildings.

The Georgia Tech campus is located in Midtown, an area north of downtown Atlanta. Although a number of skyscrapers—most visibly the headquarters of AT&T, The Coca-Cola Company, and Bank of America—are visible from all points on campus, the campus itself has few buildings over four stories and has a great deal of greenery. This gives it a distinctly suburban atmosphere quite different from other Atlanta campuses such as that of Georgia State University.