Голдсмитс, Лондонский университет, MFA, Art Practice
Вступительные требования
Part 1: Diploma stage: 2nd class degree or equivalent; plus experience as an artist; part 2: applicants must show through interview and portfolio that they have established a professional practice in the field and have already fulfilled the criteria demanded at the end of Part 1 of the programme through professional experience; requirement for part-time study: students' own studio space in which to work over the 2 years of the programme; as a condition of admission to the part-time programme, applicants from outside London will normally be expected to maintain a studio in London for the duration of the programme.
Другие программы вуза
MA Luxury Brand Management
Associate Research Studentship Изобразительное искусство
Certificate for Postgraduate Study Музыковедение
MA Arts Administration & Cultural Policy