PGCE (professional), Post-Compulsory Education and Training, Колледж Кирклис (центр в городе Дьюсбери), Kirklees College (Dewsbury Centre)
2 000 +

успешных поступлений

в 500 +

университетов и бизнес-школ мира

в 30 +

странах работают после учебы наши выпускники

Колледж Кирклис (центр в городе Дьюсбери), PGCE (professional), Post-Compulsory Education and Training

Вступительные требования

Applicants should be in paid employment, as a teacher or trainer, for a minimum of 150 hours (at least 75 hours in any 1 year) at a recognised training or educational establishment; voluntary teaching/training may be acceptable if undertaken on behalf of a charity registered with the Charities Commission; UK 1st degree or equivalent; relevant work experience (where appropriate to the subject field); qualifications at NVQ level 3-4 in the subject area o be taught if this is different from the degree held; students are required to identify a work-based mentor who can guide them in their subject specialism; reference; evidence of qualifications.

Другие программы вуза

Как ВЕРНО выбрать  ПРОГРАММУ за рубежом?
Получить пошаговый план нашего основателя Яны Драпкиной
7 стр.
