Колледж Труро и Пенвит, CertEd, Education (PCET)
Processes of learning and teaching; planning and enabling learning; theories and principles for planning and enabling learning; continuing personal and professional development; curriculum design for inclusive practice; wider professional practice; preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector: students who take the PTLLS award as a 'stand alone' unit are given a transcript and a certificate once their marks have been through an examinations board; the 1st module of the CertEd (DTLLS) covers the LLUK units of assessment required for the award for preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector (PTLLS); successful completion of the module means that students have passed the criteria for the PTLLS award; students who go on to complete the rest of the DTLLS componants are not given a separate PTLLS award, but receive a transcript confirming that they have completed the requirements for the award.
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