Abertay Dundee, University of, BSc (Hons), Forensic Psychobiology
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Кол-во лет: 4 |
The course offers a combination of psychology, forensic studies, and biological sciences; psychology forms the main component of the programme and each core area of psychology is studied, including abnormal behaviour, mental illness, memory, thinking, personality, perception, social behaviour, and developmental psychology; students receive training in both quantitative and qualitative research methods throughout the programme; forensic studies are concerned with understanding criminal behaviour and within the course students are able to examine the causes of crime from a psychological and a biological perspective; thus, the psychology of crime, psychopathology, crime and deviance, and models of offending, are components of the degree; in addition, life sciences have developed a number of techniques that aid in the detection of criminals and students learn about these in modules on genetics, crime scene analysis, and forensic case studies; finally, key areas of biology, which underpin the more forensic modules, such as human physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology, are also included in the programme.
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