BA (Hons), Natural Sciences, Кембриджский университет, University of Cambridge
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Кембриджский университет, BA (Hons), Natural Sciences

Year 1: 3 experimental sciences: biology of cells; chemistry; evolution and behaviour; geology; materials and mineral sciences; physics; physiology of organisms; mathematical course; elementary mathematics for biologists. Year 2: 3 subjects: animal biology; biochemistry and molecular biology; cell and developmental biology; chemistry A; chemistry B; ecology; experimental psychology; geological sciences; history and philosophy of science; materials science and metallurgy; mathematics; mineral sciences; neurobiology; pathology; pharmacology; physics; advanced physics; physiology; plant and microbial sciences. Year 3: specialisms: anatomy; astrophysics; biochemistry; ecology; chemistry; genetics; geological sciences; history and philosophy of science; materials science and metallurgy; neuroscience; pathology; pharmacology; physics; physiology; plant sciences; psychology; zoology. Year 4: (MSci) astrophysics; biochemistry; chemistry; geological sciences; materials science and metallurgy; physics.

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