PhD, Компьютерные исследования, Университет Эксетера - Computer Science, University of Exeter
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Университет Эксетера, PhD, Компьютерные исследования

Current focus areas/projects: Machine learning, pattern analysis and statistical computational: application areas ranging from bio-medical imaging, face and speech recognition; to air-traffic control and safety-critical software design; strong research theme is shape-based computer vision and image processing, particularly for image retrieval and object classification; optimisation methods: focuses on techniques for evolutionary optimisation, particularly multi-objective optimisation in areas such as hydroinformatics; credit-card fraud detections; mobile phone network turning and bioinformatics problems; biologically inspired algorithms such as: neural networks; swarm intelligence; and artificial life; artificial intelligence: focus on spatial and temporal knowledge representation; applications to geographical information science, and on the philosophical foundations of artificial intelligence and computer science; hydroinformatics: mainly concerned with the design and multi-objective optimisation of water distribution and related networks using iterative learning algorithms and neural networks; genetic algorithms; water systems.

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В Эксетерском университете имеется три академгородка, два из которых – Стритхемпский и Святого Луки – расположены в городе Эксетер (графство Девон) и один – Пенринский – расположен в городке Пенрин (графство Корнуолл).

Центр Эксетера – культурной столицы юго-запада Англии – находится в двадцати минутах ходьбы от Стритхемпского академгородка. В городе много музеев, исторических достопримечательностей, магазинов, кафе, ресторанов и ночных клубов.