MSc, Social and Applied Psychology, Кентский университет, University of Kent
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Кентский университет, MSc, Social and Applied Psychology



Форма обучен. Начало Продолж. Стоимость иностран. Стоимость UK/ EU Период оплаты Академ. год
Форма обучен.Дневное Начало сентябрь Продолж.Кол-во лет: 1 Стоимость иностран.£14670 Стоимость UK/ EU£6500 Период оплатыWhole course Академ. год2017 - 2018

The MSc in Social and Applied Psychology gives you the opportunity to sample a range of modules from our Group Processes and Developmental programmes as well as other modules related to social and applied psychology.

This programme considers how social psychology can be applied to a wide range of social problems and answer key questions such as: How are attitudes formed and developed, and how do they relate to behaviour? What are the key motives that affect people’s reactions to the social world? What social psychological processes are implicated in the form and content of language and communication?

You will gain a thorough grounding in research methods, and conduct a project in an area of social/applied psychology that interests you. The programme is taught by the School’s outstanding research group in social psychology.

Our teaching and research covers the psychology of intergroup behaviour, group decision and performance, attitudes and persuasion, organisational psychology, social cognition, children’s self-concept and social attitudes, and cross-cultural questions, relating social psychological research in these areas to social problems. Course tutors include academics and experts who work in the media, the health service and other applied settings.

About the School of Psychology

As a student within the School of Psychology at Kent, you benefit from our supportive, dynamic and diverse environment for creative research and learning.

All of our taught Master’s (MSc) programmes have been recognised by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as meeting the nationally recognised criteria for preparation training for PhD research.

Conducting both basic and applied research in several areas, Psychology at Kent is highly regarded as a leading European centre for postgraduate research. Our long-established international reputation in social psychology is complemented by our strengths in cognitive, developmental and forensic psychology. We attract excellent visiting scholars and postgraduate students from both within the UK and overseas.

Some of our PhD students are self-funded, and others are funded by grants or awards either from the School, UK or their countries of origin. Some are also paid to undertake part-time teaching within the School. We have a strong track record of attracting ESRC research studentship funding, which involves partnerships with external organisations such as Age UK and the Equality and Human Rights Commission and collaborative studentships with partners such as People United.

National ratings

In the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014, research by the School of Psychology was ranked 11th in the UK for research intensity.

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Три кампуса Университета Кента в Соединенном Королевстве расположены в Кентербери, Медуэйе и Тонбридже. В состав вуза также входят европейские отделения — в Париже,Риме, Брюсселе и Афинах.

Главный кампус в Кентербери площадью более 120 га расположился в парковой зоне. Всего в 25 минутах ходьбы от университетского городка находится знаменитый старинный Кентерберийский кафедральный собор. Кентербери с уверенностью можно назвать оживленным городом с теплой и дружеской атмосферой. Отсюда можно легко отправиться в путешествие в Лондон, Францию и Бельгию. Университет обеспечивает бесплатное автобусное сообщение между кампусами в Медуэйе и Кентербери.